Have you ever had that annoying feeling to use the mouse to copy your current
directory from the terminal? The usual practice is executing the pwd
command, select the output from the terminal using the mouse, then use the
keyboard or mouse to copy the text. While using both hands to use the
terminal, it is inconvenient to switch to the mouse. Things go beyond the
tolerable threshold if the path to copy is too long and splits into two lines
in the terminal.
However, as Linux users, we can implement a
creative solution for this problem. This article explains how to create a new
command to copy the current terminal directory into the clipboard without
using the mouse.
Step 1:
To copy a text from the terminal into the clipboard,
there is a utility called xclip. Install this tool if you don't have it
On Debian based distributions, use the following command:
sudo apt install xclip
Run the following command on Arch based distributions:
sudo pacman install xclip
Run the followoing command on Fedora
sudo dnf install xclip
Step 2:
Try the following command. Here
we get the output of pwd command and pass it to the xclip command.
pwd | xclip -selection clipboard
After running this command in the terminal, try pasting the value in a text
editor. You may notice a new line at the end.
Step 3:
Modify the command as shown below and run it again. The
command will trim the new line character at the end.
pwd | awk '{printf $0}' | xclip -selection clipboard
Again check the output of the command by pasting the clipboard in a text
Step 4:
Let's make this a command. Create a new file named
copythis under the ~/bin folder. If the folder does not exist, create the
folder. If the folder wasn't there already, you may have to restart the
computer after Step 6 to let the system detect your command.
mkdir -p ~/bin
nano ~/bin/copythis
Step 5:
Add the following script to that file and save the
pwd | awk '{printf $0}' | xclip -selection clipboard
In nano, use Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X to save the changes and exit.
Step 6:
Run the following command to make the
script executable.
chmod +x ~/bin/copythis
Step 7:
Run the copythis command from the terminal and paste the
clipboard value wherever you need.
Please leave a comment below if you find this script useful. If you have any questions or issues with running this script, I can help you in the comments section.
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